All oil paintings in Artist's Collection are available for sale.
Iris prints** are available for all paintings.
Please contact the artist directly at for details.
This urge to go for a laugh also comes out in my writing, comic essays, poems and plays.
I read some of them a while ago to a cheerful crowd in a Greenwich Village cabaret, and was surprised to be invited by Pleasure Boat Studio to assemble them in this little book, Toys From My Attic (67 pages), just released and available for the price of $13. plus shipping.
** Iris prints, named after the machine originally used to produce them, are inkjet prints with a college education. Beautiful printing on fine art watercolor paper or canvas, in limited editions, brings them into the arena of fine art. Giving them a French name makes them seem fancier - they are now often referred to as Giclée (jee-clay) prints, meaning "spray" prints. I'm told the word has a more bawdy significance in France, but what doesn't?